5.0 Update: Ages, Custom Events, Permanent Lists & More!

Guide to the new 5.0 update.

The Goal

The 5.0 update aims to add more customizability to the existing features of Birthday Bot while also adding new things to help servers celebrate any event they can think of.

Introducing Birth Years/Ages & User Privacy Settings!

Birthday Bot has long stood out as it has, for the most part, never accepted the ages of it's users. This was an intentional decision in order to protect the privacy of our users. Thus, when I decided to add it, I made sure to add it in a way that grants users the most security possible.

Each user will have the option to add their birth year when setting their birthday, however, by default, it will be hidden everywhere.

Users now have two sets of privacy settings they can use, global and server. The global settings take affect when you haven't set your settings for a specific server. If you do edit your server specific settings, they will override your global settings for that server.

The two types of settings are the Show Birthday and Show Age settings. Below are the commands to configure these settings.

Global Commands

  • /user settings

  • /user edit show_birthday

  • /user edit show_age

Server Commands

  • /user_server settings

  • /user_server edit show_birthday

  • /user_server edit show_age

By default, your birthday (Month and Day) will be shown in all servers as it always has, however, your age/birth year will be hidden in all server.

Introducing Custom Events!

Birthday Bot has always aimed to help servers celebrated the special events in their community, focusing around birthdays, and then later expanding into discord anniversaries for premium servers.

Custom Events was the next natural step for the bot and allows servers to celebrate any event they want with all the same customizability as before. From the start premium servers will have the ability to make a custom event for any date and hour, with a custom message to be sent at that time. Additionally, servers can set an event to be a specific year, or give none to make it yearly.

As mentioned each event will have a custom message associated with it. These messages are exactly like the custom messages for birthdays and anniversaries so you will be able to customize exactly what they say and how they look. Additionally, each event has it's own ping setting and name.

Full Change Log

Below is the full list of changes which come with this update.


  • Custom Events (Premium Only)

  • Birthday Years/Ages (Free!)

  • Permanent Lists (Premium Only)

    • A list similar to the one generated by /list but is updated by the bot every 15 minutes. Available for both birthdays and member anniversaries

  • Trusted Prevents Appearance Setting (Free!)

    • When true, only those with the trusted role will appear in commands like /list and /next

  • Multiple Name Format Settings (All will default to what your current name format setting is)

    • Message - how names appear in custom messages

    • List - how names appear in the /list command

    • Other - how names appear in all other places (/view command, etc.)


  • Blacklist now extends to the /list and /next commands

  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements

Coming Soon!

If you have any other suggestions, join our support server here to suggest them!

  • Zodiac Signs

  • Early Birthday Reminders

  • Revamped /next command

  • User PFP as custom message image

  • Configuration in the length of the /list message

  • Multi-Lingual Support

Last updated

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