Birthday System

FAQ for information about the birthday system.

Can I set birthdays for my users?

No, unfortunately. Birthdays are stored globally, which means your birthday in Discord Server A is the same as in Discord Server B. As a result, we cannot give server owners control over their user's information, due to it being able to affect other servers.

However, server admins can SUGGEST a birthday for a user. This means an admin can input all of the information but at the end, the user must confirm the inputted information.

Birthday Bot announced/gave the birthday role/message at the incorrect time.

A few things affect a birthday message time.

First is your guild server message time (configure this with /edit hour type:<type> hour:<0-23>), if for example, you run this: /edit hour type:birthday hour:9, the birthday message will send at 9 am for the birthday user. The type refers to the event type, possible values include Birthday, Member Anniversary, and Server Anniversary.

Secondly is the time zone the bot is configured to use. By default, the bot will use the user's time zone the set when they set their birthday with /set. However, if the server has a time zone set and the Use Time Zone setting is set to Server then the bot will use the server's time zone when celebrating birthdays.

What is the birthday channel?

The birthday channel is the channel where the bot will announce birthdays; however, it is not required for the bot to work. For example, if you do not set the birthday channel, Birthday Bot will only attempt to give birthday users the birthday role.

What is the birthday role?

The birthday role is the role that the bot will give to users on their birthday; however, it is not required for the bot to work. For example, if you do not set the birthday role, Birthday Bot will only attempt to send a birthday message in the birthday channel.

What does it mean by the birthday role is actively removed?

Instead of tracking 24 hours after each birthday to remove the role, Birthday Bot simply removes the role from anyone whose birthday it isn't every hour. This means you should refrain from making the Birthday Role a role that can be received by any other means.

What is the birthday blacklist?

The birthday blacklist is an easy way for server owners to ban users or roles from Birthday Bot in their Discord. Instead of using something like the trusted system, which decides who does have their birthday celebrated, the birthday blacklist is a list of people and roles who do not have their birthday celebrated. The blacklist supersedes the trusted role system, meaning, someone who is both on the birthday blacklist or has a role in the birthday blacklist and who has the trusted role, will still not have their birthday celebrated.

What is the disable ages setting?

With the introduction of birth years users are able to show their age and birth years in whatever servers they want to. However, some servers might not want this for any number of reasons. Enabling this setting will hide everyone's age/birth year in the server.

What is the use time zone setting?

If the server time zone is set, then servers can decide which time zone to use for the birthday celebration. If this setting is set to server, all birthday events will happen based on the server's time zone and if this setting is set to user, all birthday events will happen based on the user's time zone.

Note: If the use time zone setting is set to server and the server time zone is not set, then the user's time zone will be used for birthday events.

What is the filter birthday age messages setting? (Premium Only)

With the introduction of birth years/ages the {Age} and {Year} placeholders were added for custom birthday messages. However, not everyone has their birth year set or they might hide it from some servers.

Thus, this command lets you configure the bot to ignore some messages with certain placeholders, depending on if the user has their age set in the server.

If this setting is turned off, the bot will continue to choose a random birthday message from your server's list of custom birthday messages.

If this setting is turned on and the user

  • has their birth year set and shown in this server: the bot will only choose from birthday messages which have either the {Age} or {Year} placeholder set

  • does not have their birth year set or it is hidden in this server: the bot will only choose from birthday messages do not have the {Age} or {Year} placeholder in it.

Last updated

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