This page lists all usage and information about Birthday Bot's commands.
Prefix: /
Please note the space after bday in the prefix. Each command should be run as follows:
denotes an mandatory parameter, while []
refers to an optional one.
Example Command Usage: /set
For help with command arguments, view the Legend.
- View information about Birthday Bot Premium.
- Subscribe to Birthday Bot Premium.
- Help with understanding the basics of Birthday Bot.
/view type:[type] user:[@User]
- View the birthday or member anniversary of yourself or another user. Defaults to birthday.
/next [type]
- View the next celebration event(s) in the server. Defaults to birthday.
/list type:[type] page:[page]
- View the list of birthdays/anniversaries for the server. Defaults to birthday.
- View the time zone map.
- Vote for Birthday Bot.
/link link:donate
- Donate to Birthday Bot!
/link link:support
- Join the support server
/link link:invite
- Invite Birthday Bot.
/link link:docs
- View Birthday Bot's documentation.
/link link:faq
- View Birthday bot's FAQ.
/suggest date:[date] timezone:[timezone] user:[@User] birth_year:[2001]
- Suggest a birthday for another user, they will have to confirm the information.
User Commands
/set date:[date] timezone:[timezone] birth_year:[2001]
- Set your birthday.
/user settings
- view your global user settings.
/user_server settings
- view your sever specific user settings.
/user edit show_birthday
- edit your global show birthday setting.
/user edit show_age
- edit your global show age setting.
/user_server edit show_birthday
- edit your server show birthday setting.
/user_server edit show_age
- edit your server show birthday setting.
- Remove your birthday data.
/claim_role option:
- Claim either your member anniversary role or your zodiac role.
- Help with understanding the basics of Birthday Bot.
- Info about the Birthday Bot.
/settings option:[option]
- View server's settings. Options: General
, Message
, & Advanced
. Defaults to General/
Server Configuration (Administrators-only)
/test type:<type> user:[User] year:[anniversary year]
- Test a Celebration event. Optional parameter of a user to mention and year (anniversaries only).
Setup Commands
- Interactive guide for basic server setup.
/config option:Name Format
- Configure Name Format setting.
/config option:Time Zone
- Configure the Server Time Zone setting.
/config option:Use Time Zone
- Configure the Use Time Zone setting, which is the time zone that the bot will use to send celebration messages.
/config option:Date Format
- Configure the Date Format setting.
/config option:Image Format
- Configure the Image Format setting.
/config option:Disable Ages
- Configure the if ages are shown in this server.
/config option:Filter Birthday Age Messages
- Configure the
Filter Birthday Age Messages setting.
/config option:Zodiac Auto Assign.
- Configure the Zodiac Auto Assign Setting.
/config option:Member Anniversary Remove Old Roles
- Configure the Member Anniversary Remove Old Roles Setting.
Custom Message Settings
NOTE: To find a message id, use the /view_messages command.
/view_messages type:<type> page:[page]
- List all custom messages of the given type.
/message add type:<type> message:<message_id> image:[image]
- Add a custom birthday message. {Users}
is the placeholder for the messages to mention the birthday users. Note: Only Premium servers can set user-specific messages and images.
/message edit description type:<type> message:<message_id> description:<description>
- Edit a pre-existing message's description.
/message edit embed type:<type> message:<message_id> embed:<True/False>
- Edit a pre-existing message's embed setting.
/message edit color type:<type> message:<message_id> color:<color/hex>
- Edit a pre-existing message's color setting (Premium Only).
/message edit title type:<type> message:<message_id> title:<title>
- Edit a pre-existing message's title setting (Premium Only).
/message edit footer type:<type> message:<message_id> footer:<footer>
- Edit a pre-existing message's footer setting (Premium Only).
/message edit image type:<type> message:<message_id> image:<image file>
- Edit a pre-existing message's image setting (Premium Only).
/message remove message:<message_id>
- Remove a certain custom message of the given type.
/message clear type:<type>
- Clear all custom messages of the given type.
/edit hour type:<type> time:<0-23>
- Set the time messages should be sent in your server for the given type.
/edit ping type:<type> ping:<role/group>
- Set the custom message ping of the given type.
/edit post_mode type:<type> postMode:<postMode>
- Configure the Post Mode setting for the given type.
/edit channel type:<type> channel:<channel>
- Edit the channel messages will be sent in for the given type.
/message test type:<type> position:<position> user_count:[count]
- Test a custom message of the given type.
Trusted System Settings
NOTE: The free version of Birthday Bot can only have one trusted role. Check out Birthday Bot Premium!
/trustedRole add role:<@Role>
- Add a trusted role.
/trustedRole remove role:<@Role>
- Remove a trusted role.
/trustedRole remove id:<Id>
- Remove an Id.
/view_trusted_roles page:[page]
- List all trusted roles.
/trusted_role edit option:
- Edit how trusted roles work. The description of each will be in the option name.
Blacklist Settings
blacklist add role_or_user:<@User/@Role>
- Add a user/role to the birthday blacklist.
blacklist remove id:<Id>
- Remove an Id from the blacklist.
blacklist remove role_or_user:<@User/@Role>
- Remove a user/role from the blacklist.
/blacklist clear
- Clear the birthday blacklist.
/view_blacklist page:[page]
- View the birthday blacklist list.
Premium Commands
- View information about your server's premium subscription.
/message edit color type:<type> message:<message_id> color:<color/hex>
- Edit a pre-existing message's color setting.
/message edit title type:<type> message:<message_id> title:<title>
- Edit a pre-existing message's title setting.
/message edit footer type:<type> message:<message_id> footer:<footer>
- Edit a pre-existing message's footer setting.
/message edit image type:<type> message:<message_id> image:<image file>
- Edit a pre-existing message's image setting (Premium Only).
/zodiac set_emoji sign: emoji:
- Set a custom zodiac emoji
/zodiac clear_emoji sign:
- Clear a custom zodiac emoji
/zodiac set_role sign: role:
- Set a zodiac role
/zodiac clear_role sign:
- Clear a zodiac role
User Specific Messages
/message add type:<type> message:<message>
- Add a message of the given type. It can add user-specific custom messages! (Hint simply @ the user instead of using the {Users} placeholder!)
Example Usage:
/message add type:Birthday message:Happy Birthday @Stqlth! Hope you have a great day!
Placeholder for years (not in birthday messages):
Placeholder for the server name:
/view_messages type:<type>
- User-specific-messages will automatically show up within this list for the given type.
/message remove message:<message_id>
- Remove a user-specific-message of the id.
/message clear type:<type>
- Clear all user-specific custom messages of the given type.
Member Anniversary Roles
/mar add role:<@role> year:<year>
- Add a member anniversary role for the given year.
/mar remove year:<year>
- Remove all member anniversary roles for the given year.
/mar clear
- Clear all member anniversary roles.
/view_member_anniversary_roles page:[page]
- List the member anniversary roles.
Argument Requirements
Commands which allow/take arguments will be displayed with either []
or <>
. Arguments in []
are not required while those in <>
are required. If an argument in either []
or <>
has a /
between two things it means OR.
Example Command: /message list type:<type> page:[page]
In this command, you must give a type, but you do not have to give a page.
Some example usage:
/message list type:Birthday
- Shows the first list.
/message list type:Birthday page:3
- Shows the third page of birthday messages.
Example Command: /list type:[type] page:[page]
In this command, you do not have to give a type or a page, but you can.
Some example usage:
- Shows the birthday list starting at the first page.
/list page:3
- Shows the birthday list starting at the third page.
/list type:Member Anniversary
- Shows the member anniversary list starting at the first page.
/list type:Member Anniversary page:3
- Shows the member anniversary list starting at the third page.
Argument Types
Multiple commands require or allow the type argument, this can appear as [type]
or <type>
This is the celebration event type, though it varies between commands slightly:
Birthday - represents the birthday event of a user
Member Anniversary - represents the member anniversary event of a user
Server Anniversary - represents the server anniversary event of a server
This type can't be used in the
Event - represents a custom event.
User Specific Birthday - represents a user-specific birthday message
This type is only used in the
/message clear
User Specific Member Anniversary - represents a user-specific member anniversary message
This type is only used in the
/message clear
Last updated
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